Thursday, December 24, 2009


I am updating the google map here with some new "pink" markers that indicate areas planned for planting this weekend and next week leading up to the event. This year is gonna be harder because I have always had Friday night to plant but this year we have an incredible fun time waiting for us at the outhouse too ;) so planting time is limited.

Return of the Urban Trail:
When MountainScorpia first did a January event in Asheville she did an Urban Trail.
Look for the return of the Urban Trail this year. Maps are available at event HQ and at the visitors center on Montford Avenue in Asheville.

I will have some maps and guide info available.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009


The countdown has started.
The scramble to get it all organized is also about to begin.

This year's Mountain Mystery & Legends Event promises to be a load of fun again this year...
but this year the logistics to make my plans come together are a bit harder because of the holiday.

The morning meet up will be in the area of carrier park and The French Broad River Park again this year. However, this time instead of an all day affair at the park I had planned to meet up for info and clues etc... and then everyone is off to box. In the evening I had planned to meet up at a local pub/restaurant for more socializing and exchanging. Also any raffle drawings will be done there.

With the holiday of New Years, I am faced with many places are either booked since August, I am told, or are just not doing private parties or reservations. So bear with me on the final plans for the evening. :)

In the right margin of this page you may view the map from last year. Click on it for a larger view & info. I will add to it as needed.

Keep your fingers crossed...
for good weather and a good event location for the evening festivities!